Here are some resources to add to your toolbox.
Notice of Intent to Marry
If you wish to get married. The first legal document you need to complete and sign is the Notice of Intent to Marry. Bring this with you to our first meeting.
Download it here.
How to Create a Great Wedding Ceremony
This eBook will give you everything you need to create a great wedding ceremony. “A couples guide for creating a great wedding ceremony - by Lisa Hunt Wotton.” It contains all the nuts and bolts. The magic and the amazingness happens when we meet and I use my superpowers to craft your dream wedding. I can’t give everything away. lol….
How to Write a Eulogy
This eBook will give you all you everything you need to write an amazing funeral/life celebration eulogy.
Order of Service
Find attached an example of an Order of Service. You can click this link to find out more on how to write an Order of Service. Or dowload an example.